May-July 2020 “We Protect our Grandparents” an initiative of Mission ANTHROPOS for COVID-19

May-July 2020 "We Protect our Grandparents" an initiative of Mission ANTHROPOS for COVID-19

The organization Mission ANTHROPOS, following programs and actions it has carried out in recent years to support elderly citizens who reside in  Care Homes for the Elderly, and due to the new needs created as a result of the pandemic by the coronavirus, has launched the initiative: “We Protect our Grandparents”

 Through a crowdfunding campaign and with the help of the MYTILINEOS company and the Nikolopoulou pharmacy, it offered 3,400 masks, 30.000 gloves and 60 liters of antiseptic that covered the needs of 105 elderly people and their 51 caregivers for two months at: “Panagia I Eleousa”, “O Kalos Samareitis” and “Koinoniki Merimna Moschatou-Dionysios Theofilatos”.

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